Noodle is a statically typed and compiled language which tries to resemble Java as much as possible. Note however, that some simplifications are present.
Noodle supports the following expressions:
- Atoms like numbers, Strings or boolean values: 42, "Hello", true
- Class literals to reference a Java-Class: Strings.class
- Lambda expressions are supported, but use a simpler syntax than Java: | arg1, arg2 | { arg1 + arg2 }
- Common boolean and numeric operations are supported: 3 + 4 or a && b
- Method calls: "test".toUpperCase() or Strings.isEmpty("test")
- Macro calls: isEmpty("test"). All available macros are listed here: Tagliatelle Tag Overview
- If statements: if (condition) { statements; }
- For statements: for (Type variable : iterable) { loop-statements; }
- Return statements: return expression
Noodle supports line comments, starting with // and block comments wrapped in /* and */.
In contrast to Java == will invoke equals instead of checking for object identity. Therefore, this can be used for Strings directly.
Noodle will deduce the types as much as possible. If however a type check or a cast becomes necessary, the functions and can be used to check for or cast to the given type.